Tuesday, 4 February 2014


After a 2 week hiatus due to work and the weather, work resumed on getting A6071 complete.

Work has been concentrated upon the east side of the barrel. After the last session, it was sitting in primer. The west ladder was sitting upon the adjacent conflat. Small parts were in store awaiting fitting. Work was happening everywhere.

So we come to today. The weather is surprising as in dry, if not bit breezy which is surprising being in Feb. The first item of the day was the re-attachment of the opening wheel that sits on the top. For a job that should take 5 minutes turned into a half hour job. It had already been painted in gloss, which meant that the nuts were getting caught, however the job was done and it now sits proudly upon the top of the tank.

Keith resumed cleaning the ladder. Its a hard job to complete especially with the steps. Before today, the sides had already been cleaned and primed allowing the ladder to be turned and allow greater access to the steps. It was fully cleaned before lunch, and was fully primed within an hour.

Meanwhile, the east face of the barrel has received under coat. Well, the north east side has, from a line of gloss at the top where previously worked, right to the bottom where it meets more gloss, it now sits in the familiar colour of charcoal grey. It has been painted up to a weld line, which coincidentally we use as stopping points due to it breaking the tank into 3 sections, and a 2/3s under the east walk way has also been painted. This now leaves roughly a days work, could be 2 depending on weather and circumstances. Then when it is warmer the first layer of gloss can be applied.

Copyright Tommy Lees 2014
The photo below shows the recently undercoated north east side. Hopefully the weather will stay good and work can progress rapidly.

Copyright Tommy Lees 2014
Another view of the undercoated area, however note the wheel at the top of the re-attached open/ wheel. 

There is still a way to go before A6071 runs, however it is getting closer and closer every session we spend there. 

Work to be completed in the next couple of weeks includes:
  • Complete undercoating and glossing of east side
  • undercoat ladder and again gloss
  • re-attach the steam valve
  • re-attach all the release cylinders/ pipework on under frame
  • apply second coat of gloss
  • apply logos, writing 
  • re-attach plates
  • attach wooden brake supports
  • touch up any areas
As you can see, there is still work to be done, however a finish really is in sight. Again we welcome any additional help, so do get in touch by emailing us on gcrwagongroup@hotmail.com and we will get in touch.

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