Tuesday, 19 March 2013

18.3.2013 brake change

This week we have gone from the top of the barrel to the brakes. Keith was back and as we had already discussed, we needed to see how many pins needed to be made. We saw fit that we should take the west side apart and reconstruct the east with everything we have available.

 Copyright Tommy Lees 2013
Picture shows the west side without brakes. It took just over an hour and half to take apart mainly due to tight bolts. 

 Copyright Tommy Lees 2013
Picture showing all the components for the brake rigging. The metal pole is not a part, we used it as leverage for the tight bolts.

 The afternoon was spent reconstructing the east brakes. This was the first time we had attempted this, and it showed in the time spent working on this. In total 2 hours were spent re-constructing this side, including getting all the parts from the van and organised. As you can imagine, first time led to trial and error. We at one point had the metal bars not lining up, then we couldn't get the handle onto the pivot pin. As to getting the tension right, again it was trial and error.

Photos Copyright Tommy Lees 2013

The picture above and right show the completed east brake rigging re-assembled. There is still some work to be done, re painting certain areas which were disturbed in reconstruction and some that were missed first time. We also need to re-protect and paint the wood in between the metal brackets.

As you can see plenty of work has now been created, as the parts now need to be cleaned and painted, the west axles, axle boxes and main axles need to be cleaned and painted, a couple of areas on the sole bar need cleaning (in accessible due to brakes) as well as the east barrel, top barrel, valve gear. Any help would greatly be appreciated and we are open to new volunteers. You do not need to know anything about wagons, I still have a lot to learn myself, but that is also the fun part of being a volunteer, learn in the process. If you are willing, do get in touch.

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