Copyright Tommy Lees 2013
To paint this whole wheel took a good hour n half to complete and I think the pictures show the level of work gone into this.Also on the Monday, the opportunity was there to prime the valve components from the top of the tank. Only one piece has not been primed, which is the wheel. This will be primed once finished cleaning.
Tuesday, the weather was still great, and again we capitalised on this. Both my self and Keith decided that the barrel should be put in undercoat. So that is what we did. We spent the whole session turning the tank from Homebargain colours to a lovely charcoal grey. This includes the top of the barrel, and the whole of the west side. The pictures below show the current stage it is sitting in.
Once we finished painting, we had to stand back. It has taken 20 months of hard work, but we can finally say 2/3rds of the barrel are now in undercoat. This just leaves the east side to do. And if you haven't seen any photos of what this looks like, look below.
The photo was taken back in 2011 when I first started work on this, Keith joined around August 2011. Since then a lot of work has been accomplished. And with the barrel being in undercoat, we really can see a finish becoming more and more closer. However there is still a lot of work to do, and we could finish this project a lot quicker with more help, so do get in touch.
Ps there will be no update next week due to work commitments