A bit late this one as work week occurred last week. And it proved to be a eventful week which has moved A6071 onto the home straight.
Work was carried out on rubbing down the barrel so that it was ready to receive its second coat of gloss. All of the barrel was rubbed back as the photos show below.
Copyright Tommy Lees 2014
Copyright Tommy Lees 2014
Was a pretty basic day, took delivery off new 5/8 and 1/2 whitworth bolts. We now have spares for our other projects as well as bolts to replace none whitworth which are currently attached.
First job of the day was to replace the none Whitworth bolts with the correct bolt. These included ones for the ladder, the pipe support bracket and some brake rigging. Below are photos of the newly attached pipe work. Note the west side is missing a release valve, if anyone has a spare off any tank wagon that will fit then please do get in touch.
Copyright Tommy Lees 2014
Copyright Tommy Lees 2014
Copyright Tommy Lees 2014
The afternoon was spent glossing the North End face of the tank. Once again, the weather has maintained to a standard glossing is possible. The wagon had to be slightly moved to allow space for the ladder. It was then glossed within an hour. Below is a photo taken on the day
Copyright Tommy Lees 2014
Once again the weather was fantastic gloss weather, allowing the top, and the three remaining sides to be glossed in the second coat. This took just over 6 hours to complete however has proven a wagon can be painted within a day if the conditions are right.
Below are photos showing A6071 in its second coat.
Copyright Tommy Lees 2014
Copyright Tommy Lees 2014
It does look like the same photos from last year, however these are current photos and shows the level of work which has gone into this project.
This weeks progress:
The first task was to get a stubborn bolt into a tight hole. A bolt which was not correct was replaced with a whitworth bolt however when being removed the holes became out of alignment. With a lot of help, Keith managed to get the bolt back into place and it is now secured into place.
Meanwhile, I undertook the job of applying the new "Warning Over Head Live Wires" signs to the sides of the barrel. It is an extremely fiddly job using nuts and bolts which can only be compared to Meccano. Out of the 8 holes to attach, only one nut was lost which when you consider the size is really good going. The job took an hour and the signs look lovely on the sides. They really stand out with a black back ground, of course this will change once writing has started to appear.
The afternoon was spent attaching the west side pipe work without the valve as we are still looking for a replacement valve. This proved slightly difficult as the bolts we used are to attach the pipe to the valve, not pipe to pipe. Once we have the valve, these bolts will be better.
We also placed the lid of the pipe onto its right position. However it is not connected to the chassis like the other via a chain as it is missing a link. We took a decision for a temporary solution to use some scrap metal and bent it into a chain and interlinked it between the two. It will last until we replace it with new chain.
Unfortunately the nice weather did not last, and work was called off before photos could be took however I will post photos as soon as possible.
As you can see, this week has progressed A6071 to an almost finished state. Apart from the sign writing, only small little things need to be completed and then it shall see service. Keep an eye out when passing through Swithland for our latest progress